Shalom, and thanks for stopping by…

My name is Eliyahu Ben Ze’ev Alpern; I am a photographer who specializes in panoramic images of Israel and large format printing.  Walking around Tzfat during Sukkot a few years ago, I had the thought: “How cool would it be to print one of my 360-degree images as the entire inside wall of a Sukkah?!?  As it turns out – pretty cool!  It’s like stepping into your Sukkah and being transported to the Land of Israel!  I am happy to help my customers enhance the beauty and holiness their Sukkot holiday celebrations and bring a bit of Israel to Sukkot all over the globe!  Thanks so much for stopping by, and Happy Sukkot!

Hi, my name is Nili…

…and I handle Marketing and Public Relations here at the Panoramic Sukkah.I grew up in an apartment building in New York, so while I first built my very own sukkah as an adult, I have been enthusiastically making up for lost Sukkot holidays ever since.Like two of my other favourite mitzvotmikvah and living in Eretz Yisrael – dwelling in the sukkah is the only other mitzvah that you perform with your entire body – pretty neat!I love hosting and sleeping in my Panoramic Sukkah, and I hope you will too!