If you need a quote for custom-size Panoramic Sukkah Walls, please contact us!
On Sukkot, the year’s precipitation is determined, and we recite Tfilat haGeshem – the prayer for rain. In Jewish tradition, water represents purity, as well as shefa – abundance and prosperity.
Bring some festive energy, as well as some shefa and flow into your sukkah with the Banias panorama!
If you already own a Sukkah frame, you’ve come to the right place! Upgrade your existing fabric walls, and whisk your family and guests to the Banias Waterfall for Sukkot!
Panoramic Sukkah Wall Features
- The image is printed floor-to-schach along the entire length of all four sukkah walls – for a truly immersive experience! If you prefer, you may add doors and windows for a small additional fee.
- The Panoramic Sukkah Wall is printed on fabric that is semi-translucent. The sukkah illuminates in daylight, so its look and feel shift subtly as the sun moves through the sky!
- The Panoramic Sukkah Wall is printed on outdoor banner fabric – a durable, wind-resistant, mold-resistant polyester; it drapes beautifully and feels substantial and luxurious!
- The high-quality, eco-sensitive, permanent inks used to print the Panoramic Sukkah Wall create a rich, vibrant image. The print is odour-free, water proof, flame resistant, and UV-stable – it will last for many years of Sukkot holidays without fading.
- The Panoramic Sukkah Wall has sturdy rust-proof grommets along its perimeter – it is simple to hang with lock ties or bungee loops! Time to Buy a Sukkah Online!